My summer break basically started May 8 after finals, officially started May 16 after graduation (not mine, I still have three more years), but didn't really start until May 23 after the retreat. Now I'm 18 days into summer break and I've managed to do... nothing. Meanwhile, many of my friends are working, a fact my parents never cease to remind me about. I really did want to apply for an internship or job for the summer, but I didn't have a resume, at least not one updated since the one I sent off for my college application, and I really did want to put together an updated version, but it didn't cross my mind until later on when I also had to worry about summer storage, my Chinese visa, and the dreaded finals. I didn't have very much time to WRITE UP MY RESUME, so that'll be first on my summer bucket list:
COMPLETE STUDENT EMPLOYMENT FORM // This isn't the most exciting thing to do, but just as important as finding a job is securing the ones I already have and to make sure that I get paid for them. This coming school year, I'll be a Peer Mentor and Tour Guide/Office Assistant in Admissions. As a Peer Mentor, I will sort of be acting like a mini-Dean, providing academic advising services to students who seek it. As a Tour Guide, I will hopefully not get lost. As an Office Assistant, I'll be filing application documents and maybe even work alongside Admissions Officers and talk to prospective students during information sessions. Fun fact: I also applied to be a student blogger but I didn't get the job. It would have been fun to get paid for doing what I already do, except for a more specific audience (prospective BMC students), but ah well. At least I'll have more time to focus on the blog I already have!
UPDATE BLOG THEME AND TIDY UP // This blog has gone through quite a few transformations, from Miss Average to Brunch at Audrey's, from Tumblr to Blogger. I know that it's important to maintain consistency, but there's something about the aesthetic of my blog that's nagging me. Better to experiment now rather than later! I've already begun by changing my blog header, switching my social images to crisp icons, and adding these social icons to the end of every post. I'll also probably be editing pages and updating the list of categories in my sidebar. What do you think? And if you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me a message via Tumblr or my contact form. By the end of it all, I'm hoping to compile a list of resources I used and share it as a post on the blog.
COLLAB // This is one of my 2015 blogging goals. Some people have reached out to me months ago, but because of school, I've been horrendous with communications. Since what I have this summer is time, now is as good an opportunity as any to pick up the slack. Sorry about any posting schedules I may have delayed! I am always open to collaborations, so if you have anything in mind, don't hesitate to hit me up. Or even if you don't, feel free to message me as a friend and just introduce yourself!
COOK FROM A BLOGGER RECIPE // I must confess that I've never made anything I've read about from a blog before, mostly because I'm usually too lazy to go out and find materials/ingredients. After living on campus without convenient access to a kitchen for a whole school year, I'm determined to make at least one thing this summer. My skills are limited, but I'm not too bad at following directions. Food bloggers, don't fail me now! I'm already super excited; it'll be another way of connecting myself to the blogosphere, adding a-whole-nother dimension and making this virtual relationship oh-so-very real.
HAVE A FANCY NIGHT OUT // The last time I had one of these was March of last year when my friends and I dressed up for dinner at a dimly lit restaurant where water cost 65RMB, had an awkward encounter with strangers in an elevator, spontaneously went for a little shopping, unsuccessfully searched for dessert, and had some fun with lasers. Ah, good memories, hopefully with more to come.
KEEP IN TOUCH WITH FRIENDS // A month ago I sent out postcards eight months late and it was awesome. I've met so many cool and interesting people in college and I've also come to appreciate my friends from high school even more after being away from them for a year. With many I haven't had a proper talk with for awhile and I'm not sure how to pick it back up, but secretly pining away at them just won't do. WeChat and Snapchat (@auderoylin) are my favorite modes of casual communication, but I want conversation that's a little more personal. If only everyone had a blog I could check up on :P
MAKE FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS // I used to make friendship bracelets all the time in middle school. I would typically walk around with friendship-bracelets-in-progress safety pinned to my pants. Inspired by Ice Pandora's Yarnfood and other DIYs, I'd like to get back into crafting as soon as I restock my collection of friendship bracelet string. Now let me segue into the fact that I've never really been into gifts or celebrations. During my first year at college I was even less inclined to spread festive cheer as I no longer had unlimited access to an art storage room where I could find miscellaneous bits and bobs to craft. Yet I had friends who somehow always found the time and materials to make festive cards when special occasions came up. Being on the receiving end, I'd always get a warm and fuzzy feeling in my heart. Now I want to be on the giving end and provide a dose of happiness with a sprinkle of warm and a dash of fuzzy by pouring my [strictly platonic] love into these friendship bracelets.
ARRANGE A SONG // I remember in middle school music class our teacher would play chords and we'd have to say how many notes we heard. There was one girl who could pick out every note by ear. I was not that girl. But I figure, if ever I was to do this, there'd be no better time than now, when I have my mom--who majored in music--near me. This arranged song would be for my a cappella group, Chaverim, which makes the task at hand all the more daunting, but everybody's gotta do their part.
EXERCISE // since it has become apparent that I will not be changing my diet any time soon. Literally any form of exercise would be better than what I'm doing, or rather, not doing, now. Two months ago, I was inspired by The Blissful Mind and tweeted about joining her in the 30 day yoga challenge. It lasted for a day. In my defense, I felt awkward doing yoga in my shared dorm room. This summer I challenge myself to do 30 days worth of yoga over the course of the remaining three months of break.
DYE HAIR, PIERCE EARS // Well, not much else to it. Been wanting to do this. Might as well be now.
WATCH CLANNAD +AFTER STORY // This has been on my to-watch list since last summer, but I could never commit myself to devoting 20 minute segments of my time to single-tasking (I exert a lot of energy reading subtitles). Friends have already told me how life changing and emotional After Story left them. There's nothing like getting emotionally obliterated by fictional characters. It hurts so good.
LEARN HOW TO... // drive (even though it frightens me because I have horrible depth perception and just sense of perception in general and maybe I'd be better at it if the driver's seat was in the middle of the car rather than to the side), use dÅTERRA essential oils (specifically which ones would be most helpful for college students and ultimately write a blog post about it and share it with you which I was supposed to do like two years ago), use Lightroom (Photoshop, VSCO, and iPhoto all in one, what's not to love?), use Final Cut (so that I can pursue my dreams of becoming a YouTube celebrity and get free stuff and live a glamorous life haha jk maybe no really I'm kidding), use camera (so many buttons but which ones to press??), play the guitar (so that I can serenade people and win the hearts of millions).
I'm feeling determined to change, but things are a lot easier said than done, so here some links to help you and me along. Mornings are crucial because they set the tone for the rest of the day. Do these ten things the first ten minutes of your day and then wash up and change out of your pyjamas into real clothes, whether or not you'll be going out to see anyone that day, because let's face it, we're all guilty of this and this. You're going to have your off days, but never forget that today is not tomorrow. Remind yourself constantly of why you care, because sometimes purpose fuels you in a way that passion can't.
If you haven't had enough, check out these summer bucket lists by Cupcakes and Cashmere, Ambuhr, Muted Mornings, Hjartesmil, Bloomin' Rouge, and Sailboat. What's on your list?
PS: my summer bucket list from last year and productivity tipsLabels: life lately