This week was dictated not by days but by hours. What's the minimum amount of sleep I need to maximize the time I have left for studying? So yeah, not too much stopping to smell the roses goin' on.

- Took out my fancy camera for first time in awhile! I was hired to take pictures for the Asian Students Association's Culture Show. It was originally scheduled for the first Friday back from winter break, but then winter storm Jonas hit and they had to postpone it. I was inconvenienced because it was rescheduled for the Tuesday of midterm week, but it was a great show, I had fun, and god knows I needed something to unwind my frazzled mind.
- I went to lab on Wednesday night in desperation for my midterm on Thursday morning. It wasn't very helpful, but the camaraderie I found was comforting.
- I'm done with midterms, I survived the week, and it's spring break!!! Both of my midterms were on Thursday, so on Thursday afternoon, I took a long, much needed nap until 5:30PM. Then I ended up watching ten episodes of Bromance, a Taiwanese drama (each episode is about 1hr 15min, so you can calculate when I stayed up until) (so much for catching up on sleep) (the name of this drama makes me cringe), and finished it off on Friday.
- Currently listening to Lost Stars by Adam Levine. Sorry to share something so mainstream this time! In the late hours of the evening/early hours of the morning, do you ever find yourself wondering, "Oh god, how did I get to this side of the Internet again?" For me, that side of the Internet is watching singing competitions like X Factor and The Voice. I'm loving Mike Schiavo's blind audition for The Voice 2016.
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.Labels: 52