When I was little, my parents would take me and my brothers to national parks all the time. We collected National Park Passport Stamps and everything. But I never really got what was so great about it. Okay Dad I get it, another cool tree. Okay Mom I get it, another cool mountain. Yup, they're really big. Can I go home now? I'm so hungry. I'm so tired. I'm so bored. Wow this path goes on forever.
But then I moved from Los Angeles (which isn't even particularly lush) to Beijing, and I realized that I had taken all that fresh air and greenery for granted. Each time I came back to the States for the summer, I'd get out of the airport and immediately smell green (after I got past the smokers). I didn't know I could smell colour, but I did.
Inspired by blogs like To Adventure and Instagram accounts like Alex Strohl, I've been wanting to do more outdoor activities and experience nature. And now that I'm back in the States, I really want to take advantage of the clean air and beautiful landscapes. So when my dad and I were in Seattle last summer and he asked me if I wanted to go on a hike with his colleagues, I said yes! I don't think he expected me to accept the invitation because he probably remembers all my complaining and how unfazed I was by the grandeur of nature when I was little :P But, how could I pass up the photo op? ;)
I arrived in a crop tee from Cotton On, a pair of jeggings from Joan, and my bright turquoise Converse. As you can see, I was well-prepared for the hike. I didn't exactly pack hiking gear in my suitcase for a relaxing summer vacation. On the other hand, my dad's colleagues came very much prepared with their hiking boots, hiking sticks, Camelbak hydration backpacks, wraps to relieve pressure from their joints as we climbed to higher altitudes, and other hiking gear I'm too n00b to understand. They even packed our lunch for us! It was a simple but delicious sandwich with sun-dried tomatoes, cheese, and turkey.
It was so good and tasted so fresh and I've been obsessed with sun-dried tomatoes ever since. Maybe the sandwich tasted extra good because I was so exhausted from the hike up. It was hot, which I was not expecting, because I had assumed that Seattle was perpetually wet and cold. I could feel the rocks through my Converse from beneath my feet. But the hike to Snow Lake was definitely worth it. I could have sat up there for hours. I mean, I took all that time to climb up to it, I might as well savour it right?
Of course, the only reason I ever exercise is just so that I can eat more food. After the hike, my dad and I got smoothies from Jamba Juice, doughnuts from Krispie Kreme, and a box of cold green seedless grapes. We all know my love for green seedless grapes. Actually I find it quite amusing how many of you shared your love for green seedless grapes in the comments. No context needed. We just love green seedless grapes. This is a green seedless grape friendly zone.
My favourite part about the hike, other than the stunning view, was the solidarity between all the hikers. Climbing up while others were coming down, hikers would cheer each other on, constantly reaffirming, "You're almost there!" to friends and strangers alike. Also there were so many dogs. So. many. dogs.
tl;dr-- Hiked up to Snow Lake while in Seattle last summer! It was hot and rocky, but worth it for the beautiful view in the end.Labels: travel