I'm kinda getting tired of being introspective. This is a picture of two weeks worth of laundry piling up next to my desk. I guess I could compare doing laundry to living life and make up some moral for you to take away, but let's not make it more than it is. I've been groaning about how much laundry I have to do. Some people sympathize and say, "Omg me too I was supposed to do it like five days ago ugh." Some people ask, "Isn't the laundry room in your dorm? It doesn't take that much time. Just do it now!"
But how do I time for anything when I'm watching TV shows? I've watched fifteen episodes of The Fosters today, and will probably be finishing the last six episodes of the first season on another day. I still haven't recovered emotionally from the episodes I've watched so far and I'm not sure when I'll be ready to handle the next ones. Every time I hear the song "Outlaws" by David Lambert, I stop what I'm doing and hold my breath. Moral of the story? Stop watching TV shows. Go do your laundry.
On a side note, please humor me as I list my favorite Brallie moments so far: (chronological order)
When Brandon blows off Talya to make music with Callie (x)
When Brandon goes speechless seeing Callie in her dress for Mariana's Quince (x)
When Brandon admits he doesn't like seeing Callie dating other people (x)
When Brandon tucks Callie's hair behind her ear (x)
Everything leading up to their first kiss at the wedding (x)
When Callie runs out of the group home to hug Brandon (x)
When Brandon serenades Callie in the apartment (x)
And there are undoubtedly more to come. Sheena told me all her favorite moments are in season two!
So yeah, I still haven't gotten on with my life, which is a problem, because assigned readings have started to pile up. There are only a few more weeks before this school year is over, so I gotta keep pushing through and make sure that all my hard work this past year counts for something.
It is so hard to leave [your room to do laundry] until you leave [to do your laundry]. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world [to do your laundry]. Just wash and dry. So go do your laundry! Got anything else piling up in your life? Whatever pops into your head, go do it now.
PS: WOW two posts in one day? In case you missed it, check out my "review" for Eleanor & Park!
PPS: 12. 11. 10. 09. 08. 07. 06. 05. 04. 03. 02. 01.Labels: 52