I don't remember what I did yesterday, much less the past year. Sifting through my blog archive, Facebook timeline, and Tumblr, I've managed to put together a list of highlights from 2015. I suppose I should match it with something about how it's been such a great year and start wrapping it up, but... it doesn't feel like the end. And I don't mean this in a "deep" way. I just mean that I'm more attuned to the academic year, and so it doesn't feel like I'm at the end of the year, but rather at the middle of it.
So how about let's say it's been a great year of adventures, and I can't wait to carry them on, because the adventures won't stop here. 2016 is going to be... Oh wait, lemme save that post for tomorrow ;)
- Winter break: Japan
- Winter break: Florida - training trip
- Reached level 99 on Bakery Story
- First collegiate championship: and subsequently retired from competitive swimming
- Spring break: Philly - ran into Cory Wade from America's Next Top Model Cycle 20
- Chaverover: semesterly sleepover with my a cappella group, at Swarthmore
- Lego exhibit with Georgina and Victoria
- Sakura Sunday with Georgina, Victoria, and Grace
- Joined the Renewal Christian Fellowship's worship team for Worship Night. Visited Villanova for the first time for rehearsals.
- May Day
- Reunited with Molly at Chapter Camp! Last time we saw each other was at Explo summer camp the summer after seventh grade.
- Interviewed by Lace & Lilacs
- Summer break: Seattle
- First live concert: George Ezra - with Kevin
- Dyed my hair the most fun and bold colour yet: pink-purple-blue/grey gradient.
- One of my photos from Maan Coffee got onto the Tumblr Radar! Mom, I've made it.
- Dorm leadership training with the Dorm Leadership Team. Beginning my run as a Peer Mentor.
- Georgina, Ami, Victoria, and Grace gave me a little birthday surprise. The "decorations" (super attractive~ photos of my face) are still plastered all over my door and will probably remain there all year.
- Fall break: Magic Gardens - with Sedi, Rhea, Isabella, Rina, Rachel, Romy, Arya
- [briefly] Featured in Artful Blogging magazine
- Collab with Kat - third collab
- First college party: also my first gig as a party bouncer
- Snapchat official: created Bryn Mawr College's first Snapchat geofilter
- First paid photography gig: Fall Student Dance Concert
- Thanksgiving break: New York City - with Georgina, Ami, Grace, Victoria
- Discovered the Dutch Blitz addict in myself at Haverford's Christian House Thanksgiving dinner
- Cooked ddeokbokki with Julia and Lamei after Chinese class
- I have a Hell Baby! Romy proposed with Snapchat and bubble tea <3
- Winter break: LA & Las Vegas
- First time back to my hometown in three years
- First time making and sending out Christmas cards to blogger friends (x x) (x) (x)
- So excited when the Bryn Mawr Concert Series announced that they'd be having Lauv and Gallant! Got to go up to the "reserved" area because I was taking pictures. Only other people up there were the artists themselves :')
Happy New Year's Eve!