The rules of the calendar do not apply when it's summer. Why, then, do I always wait until the weekend to make my outings? It seems that everyone else is having trouble shaking off their habits as well. The highway is jam-packed with cars inching their way through, lurch by lurch. Despite the distance covered being minimal, the movement is definitely trying it's darnedest to hit a maximum. The Flavor Blasted Xtra Cheddar + Pretzel Goldfish I wolfed down for breakfast aren't sitting too well in my stomach.
I'm not sitting too well either. I lean my head against the door but after awhile decide to find a different resting place before I develop a mild concussion. Hopefully I'll manage to squeeze in a nap before we arrive at 颐和园, one last tourist stop in Beijing before I'm headed back to the States. (If you added me on Snapchat @auderoylin, you'd have seen a few snapshots already :)) I remember agreeing to go with my dad because I figured that it'd be a productive and adventurous way to spend my morning. Usually I try to get as far away from tourist destinations as I can, but I decided that I needed to get over it and haul myself over there in the morning before my brain could catch up with what I was doing and protest.
My head is abuzz. Why oh why did I stay up last night? Ah yes, what other reason than because I was drafting my long-delayed Chapter Camp pt. 2 post? Yes, that was worth losing sleep over. No ragrets.
I put the thought to rest, and my body follows suit.
PS: 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 09. 08. 07. 06. 05. 04.
A quick note: Sorry about disappearing from the blogosphere this past week! If you follow me on social media (linked below), you'd have been updated about my VPN cutting out while I was in Beijing, so I was unable to access my blog, but I've just arrived in Seattle this afternoon, so I'm back in business! Thank you for being so patient with me; I'm in the process of replying to your lovely comments xoxo
And speaking of social media updates, have you noticed that cute top bar about monthly newsletters?? The nitty gritty are still in the works, but once it's set to launch, you(subscribers)'ll be the first to know! So what are you waiting for? Just a click of a button away.Labels: 52