Dad wakes up at 7:00AM and is surprised to see that I'm already awake. Incredulously, he asks if I stayed up all night: "Did you even go to sleep?" Pointedly, offendedly, and defensively I reply, "Of course!" even though I'd stayed up all night reading. Dad probably knows that too, but he resigns.
Hey, at least I achieved my Goodreads 2015 reading challenge, right? *pops some confetti*
Thank you for all your kind comments on my last 52 mornings post :') I'd just like to let you know that it wasn't as bad as it sounds--just one morning out of many--so don't fret! Anyways, despite the "rough" start, my time in Seattle has been eventful and, dare I say, even a little adventurous. I can't believe that next Sunday I'll be writing from campus again! It's always at the end when you realize how much time has passed you by and how little of it you have left.
Online I've kept quite mum, but offline I've been living it up! Well, as much as my introverted self can handle :P I've logged them all in my planner, so look at the picture above to see what's to come! ooh
PS: 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 09. 08. 07. 06.Labels: 52